Akshata Shirahatti ’14

Hi! Akshata is a senior who finally joined PSAT last year because obviously Naacho didn't quite fulfill her Indian activities quota on campus. In the process of trying to improve her non existent Indian accent, she actually picked up a passable Egyptian goddess accent and learned to become a cool mom! She's had a wonderful time with PSAT and can't wait to see what other crazy, ridiculous characters she will be typecasted for. Go PSAT!

Akshata Shirahatti ’14

Hi! Akshata is a senior who finally joined PSAT last year because obviously Naacho didn’t quite fulfill her Indian activities quota on campus. In the process of trying to improve her non existent Indian accent, she actually picked up a passable Egyptian goddess accent and learned to become a cool mom! She’s had a wonderful time with PSAT and can’t wait to see what other crazy, ridiculous characters she will be typecasted for. Go PSAT!

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